10 Things To Help You Get Through The Day When You Are A Burnt Out Special Needs Caregiver

Burn out is a very real state of being for the special needs caregiver. This is the greatest job in the world but it is 24/7/365. So tired that you want to drop? You aren’t alone. Right now, there are caregivers all over the world feeling it with you. We are just doing it separately because, you know, its SPECIAL NEEDS CAREGIVING.

Here are 10 things to help you get through when you are wiped out.

  1. Just show up. You don’t have to feel well-rested, motivated, in a positive mood or upbeat to accomplish this. Show up for your child (as if you ever wouldn’t).
  2. Remove everything that doesn’t HAVE to happen today and just do what NEEDS to be done.
  3. Drink water. Eat something healthy. Maybe something that grew the way you are eating it, like an orange instead of the juice? A baked potato instead of fries?
  4. Refrain from making any decisions until… For me it is until I have had morning coffee. What is something that helps you make decisions better after first waking up? Do THAT before making the decisions.
  5. Forgive yourself. You made mistakes or didn’t do things to your standards or dropped the ball. It’s OK. Let it go. Pick things back up as you are able.
  6. Do some self care. You knew that was coming, didn’t you? Don’t know where to start? Search it on Pinterest or Google it. There is a whole world of information about it.
  7. Some days you win, some days you lose, some days you about break even. Accept this and know that if you lost, you will also win soon.
  8. Do something small that you feel that you can accomplish. Maybe the dishes are piled high in the sink but you can’t bear the thought of dealing with them. Plus the dishwasher is already full of clean dishes. Just start by putting away the clean silverware. Come back for the next small chunk later. Keep going until the whole is done. Time spent for the project as a whole doesn’t matter today.
  9. Ask for help. We caregivers SUCK at this. And we are often the ones that most need it. If you feel like you can’t delegate care of your child, because NO ONE DOES IT LIKE YOU DO (sound familiar?), try to ask for help for other things. You know, like those dishes.
  10. Remember that life is cyclical. You will have days where you feel strong and days where you are so burnt out you are literally crawling to the finish line. If you are having a hard day, remember that an upswing is coming!

Don’t forget to take a minute and admire your beautiful child. Sometimes in the quest to accomplish we forget the beauty and joy that they are.

Pause. Notice. Refresh. Reset.

You’ve got this.

Want more? I have released a book! It is written especially for you to uplift you as a caregiver, soothe you, help you navigate and, most importantly, help you to be OK. Take a look!