Catch That Magic Moment (For the Exhausted Special Needs Parent)

One of my all time favorite songs is Right Now by Van Halen. It says,

Right Now
Hey… Is Your Tomorrow
Right Now
Come On, It’s Everything
Right Now
Catch That Magic Moment and Do It Right Here and Now
It Means Everything

Whatever you feel guilty about, let it go. Whatever ball you have dropped, just bend down and pick it up. Do what you can do. Right here and now.

Whatever you have put off, do it now. Whatever you know you should deal with but you have been dragging your feet, get it over with so you can stop thinking about it. Lets turn this thing around. Right now.

Did you start working with your child on something and then kind of let it go? We all do that. Life gets in the way. Hey, sometimes you JUST DON’T WANT TO, you are tired of going full throttle. I get it. We’ve all been there. Special needs parenting is 24/7/365. Take your break. But then, pick it back up. Keep going. You can do this.

It’s not about perfection. It’s about showing up.

Persistence and consistence beats resistance.

For your special needs child, for you, it means everything.

It goes back 28 years but the message is still fresh. Listen and get reenergized: