We see TONS of videos these days showing incredible things that kids with special needs are doing. And I am so grateful that these images are out there because we NEED positive role models for ourselves and our children. But I also have been looking in the background of these videos. Have you?
Who do I see when I look in the background? I see YOU. The Mom. The Dad. The Grandparent. The Siblings. The Caregivers. The Teachers. YOU are the support system. YOU are my heroes.

Without YOU, there is no achievement. And yes, I am all for giving ALL of the credit to our children. They are the ones that are doing the incredible amount of work that it takes to achieve milestones that other children seem to arrive at with ease. But YOU are an integral part of the process.
YOU are there, every day, every step of the way. And YOU just don’t get enough credit. YOU don’t even want the credit, because YOU only have eyes for the love of your life, your child.
BUT I SEE YOU. And YOU are my hero.

I am walking the walk with YOU and I know what it takes. The passion. The dedication. YOU get up at the unholy hours. YOU show up over and over and over again. And people think they understand but if they are not living the special needs life, they don’t have a clue.
YOU inspire me. YOU motivate me. And wherever YOU are on the path, however YOU feel about how well YOU are doing it, the fact is that YOU ARE doing it.

YOU remind me every single day what it is all about. YOU are my inspiration. YOU are my tribe.
Thank YOU for being my hero.